Become a Member!

The Pittsburgh Print group is now accepting new members rolling basis. Please review the included information and apply to become a member today!

New Membership Submission

New members to the Pittsburgh Print Group are accepted new members on a rolling basis.

Printmaking is a diverse art form. Although the Print Group remains open to present and future technology and its impact on printmaking techniques, for exhibition purposes, the Print Group asks that work include a printmaking process—relief, intaglio, silkscreen, lithography, monoprint, monotype, or letterpress - as central to its execution. Photographs and digital images may be used as part of a final image, but may not stand alone.

Membership dues must be current in order to participate in exhibitions, education, and other programming. If you pay dues and are NOT a member of PPG, your payment will be taken as a donation.

To apply, please include the following information:

  • Email your membership request to

  • Attach images of 5 original prints in .jpeg format, 1200 pixels max on the longest side, at 72dpi resolution

  • Submit a current bio with your contact information, including full name, email address, phone number, and mailing address

Prospective members will be notified within six weeks of application submission.

Benefits Include

  • Opportunities to exhibit in juried and open Pittsburgh Print Group exhibitions

  • Communications about exhibition opportunities and print exchanges sponsored by other guilds and organizations

  • Access to information about seminars, workshops, and demonstrations covering a variety of issues related to the arts

  • Involvement in development of exhibition proposals and other events related to printmaking

  • Opportunities for community engagement

  • Inclusion of work in online member gallery

Obligations Include

  • Participate in PPG committees (encouraged)

  • Volunteer to organize and manage exhibits and events (encouraged)

  • Attendance to group business meetings held twice a year in the spring and fall

  • Payment of $50 annual dues for new members, $30 for annual renewal

  • Membership dues must be current in order to participate in exhibitions, education, and other programming. If you pay dues and are NOT a member of PPG, your payment will be taken as a donation.